On Monday, October 18th, 2021, you'll be electing eight City Councillors and the Mayor for the City of Red Deer.
From October 4th to 16th at any of these 3 voting locations from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
- Parkland Mall - 6359 - 50 Avenue
- Baymont by Wyndham (hotel - east of downtown Safeway - 4311 - 49 Avenue
- Westerner Park - 4847A - 19 Street
On Election Day - October 18, 2021, polls will be open from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Eligible voters can vote at any one of the following voting stations:
. Northside Community Centre gymnasium (YMCA) - 6391 76 Street
. Radisson Hotel Red Deer - 6500 67 Street
. Parkland Mall - Unit 458 - 6359 50 Avenue
. St. Joseph High School gymnasium - 110 - 2700 - 67 Street
. Baymont by Wyndham (downtown) - Piper Creek Room - 4311 - 49 Avenue
. Cambridge Red Deer Hotel & Conference Centre - Mediterranean Ballroom - 3310 - 50 Avenue
. Collicutt Centre - Field House - 3031 30 Avenue
. Westerner Park at the Harvest Centre - 4847A - 19 Street
Special Ballots are also available effective July 1st, 2021 until 4:30 PM on October 18, 2021. Please contact elections@RedDeer.ca for a special ballot or if you require elector assistance.
Thank you so much for your support!
Visit the City of Red Deer Election website for information about the Election: www.Elections.RedDeer.ca
- September and October Saturday Markets
- Visit the www.Elections.RedDeer.ca for information about upcoming community forums
- Visit the FB site for the Golden Circle Red Deer for viewings of Election Meet the Candidate series.
- To be announced
Your vote matters Red Deer!
Municipal Politics Matters!
Hello Red Deer citizens and voters,
Thank you for your support and confidence over the past years and this past Council term as I have served as one of Red Deer's eight City Councillors. I was first elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2013 and 2017. It has been an honour to serve, listen, respond and represent our community. I have not stopped the learning and appreciation for Red Deer, conversations with Red Deer citizens and helping to respond to the challenges and opportunities with colleague Councillors and City administration. It has been an honor to work for you as Councillor and to advance the quality of life in Red Deer. As a community leader and Councillor I continue to ask and reflect "what does the City need to change to be more successful in our future?"
I have lived in Red Deer since 1975 and have seen our City grow, change and continue to evolve. Raised and growing up on a farm in central Alberta in the Diamond Valley district west of Red Deer, I recognize and value both urban and rural issues in our region and the importance of municipal relationships in the central Alberta region. Red Deer is a growing City in Alberta’s future.
I recognize the challenges for Red Deer. We are reminded each and every day of the municipal services we rely upon such as utilities of water, waste water, storm drainainge and electricity, transit, emergency services of police, fire and bylaws, garbage, recycling and composting pickup, summer and winter/snow removal and road and sidewalk maintenance, street lighting, parks and recreation, culture and the museum and many more. The municipal taxes we pay support these services in the City’s Operating and Capital budgets.
Another important role of the Red Deer City Council is advocacy with the Province. To support Red Deer's other needs which are funded from provincial tax dollars, such as attention to needed future Red Deer Hospital expansion and health needs including a cardiac catheterization services, provincial funding and supports for a permanent integrated shelter which was committed from the provincial government in 2020, and a future opening of a therapeutic treatment centre for addictions and mental health supports for individuals and families in Red Deer, set to open in 2022.
Looking to the next four years and future, Red Deer can expand the hub of activities in our city - through economic, environmental, cultural and affordable actions, social resiliency and through City governance. I recognize there are difficult decisions in the role of Council and that decisions a Councillor makes not only impacts a Council's four year term, but often impacts the City's long term future and footprints we make.
These past two years as we survived the pandemic and continue to live with the virus, things have not been easy for many. We all recognize the challenges within the city: - affordability, social supports for the vulnerable, responding to needs of the downtown and Red Deer business community, working with community agencies and the provincial government with awareness and response to the vulnerable for addictions, mental health, shelter and housing needs. These issues, for me are about collaboration and conversations with Red Deerians, the business community, agencies and staff who provide services, along with those who have lived experience. And the provincial government, as all Alberta municipalities rely upon the province for health, social and education funding.
The last 18 months have been challenging for all of us. We’ve all missed the human connections that aren’t quite the same when we meet on screen. That includes your elected Red Deer Council, as we have been meeting on-line for Council and committee meetings. . And I know I have certainly missed being out and about at events, but it has been great to reconnect in recent months and at Saturday Markets. The many conversations I have with Red Deerians are always important in my decision making at the Council table.
Municipal Council leadership, to me, is the importance of listening, responding to citizens' perspectives and keeping connected with our community . That's an important role as a City Councillor. It's about asking questions - what kind of community do we want to be as we set the course for the future? What may work better? Who do we need to engage with as Council to make informed decisions? It's about learning from each other, learning from hindsight and best practices from other municipalities. And it's through making decisions to improve and advance Red Deer quality of life.
Family and community is important to me. I'm married to Allan for 29+ years and we look to continuing to appreciate and enjoy Red Deer as our community in the years ahead. Red Deer is our home.
Thank you for the privilege to serve as one of your City of Red Deer City Councillors for the 2010, 2013 and 2017 Council terms. Municipal governance is interesting and exciting work that has impact on the lives of all of us across the City. I still have the "fire in my belly" and bring my years of experience from working as one of your eight City Councillors.
I would be once again honored to be given a mandate on election day to serve and work on your behalf at City Hall with my skills, ideas, and energy. I see the need for experience and leadership over the next four years. I bring that experience around the Council table.
I encourage you to review mywebsite tabs for my views and considerations for the City’s future.
I'm asking for your support for re-election as one of your eight City Councillors. And I amhumbled and honoured with your support.
Please contact me if you'd like to discuss an issue for the campaign. You can reach me at:
Email: DWyntjes@shaw.ca
Twitter: @DianWyntjes
Facebook: DianneForRedDeer
Telephone: 403 505 4256

A Poem: TURNING TO ONE ANOTHER ......by Margaret Wheatley
There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about.
Ask: "What's possible?" not "What's wrong?" Keep asking.
Notice what you care about. Assume that many others share your dreams.
Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.
Talk to people you know. Talk to people you don't know. Talk to people you never talk to.
Be intrigued by the differences you hear. Expect to be surprised.
Treasure curiosity more than certainty.
Invite in everybody who cares to work on what's possible.
Acknowledge that everyone is an expert about something.
Know that creative solutions come from new connections.
Remember, you don't fear people whose story you know.
Real listening always brings people closer together.
Trust that meaningful conversations can change your world.
Rely on human goodness. Stay together.
Do you know how Red Deer got its Name?
Prior to European settlement, the Cree living in the area called the river Waskasoo Seepee, roughly translated as the Wapiti or Elk River. Early British traders thought a wapiti was a European red deer and gave it that name. Who would have thought?
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.... Chinese Proverb